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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Interview with Mayor Tim Shadbolt

This morning at 9:15 Claudia, Kate and I walked over to the Invercargill City Council with Alana. We went there to interview Tim Shadbolt(mayor of Invercargill). Here are a few questions we asked him:

1. Q. Tell us 3 words to describe Southland.
A. Innovative, honest and hardworking.

2. Q. Whats your favourite icon in Southland?
A. My favourite icon is Dan Lavin, Latin Scholar, War hero, Publisher and Writer at Oxford University.

3. Q. If there was one thing you could change about Southland what would it be and why?
A. An International Airport. If we could fly to Perth direct we would be part of a loop rather than the end of a no exit highway.

Thank you for reading this blog post.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Today at Enrich a man called Neil came in to help 6 of us design our canstruction building. Canstruction is a competition where different schools compete by making big models out of cans. We were coming up with different ideas for what our model could be. Including: a heart, a hippo, a tiger, The Water Tower, a burger and a chess piece. In the end we were deciding between a burger and a chess piece. Now we're going to make a burger!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Talent development

For my Talent development this term I am making a documentary with Kate and Claudia for the MADE awards. Our documentary is going to be about Southland icons. Today Kate rang Tim Shadbolt to ask if we could interview him. We are also going to look at things like The Stags and The Big Umbrella, I can't wait to start filming!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Teacher comment

Phoenix you were very organised and motivated to make difference for others through your passion project and through your determination and hard work you have defiantly achieved this. I was very impressed with the way you met each new challenge and found ways to overcome them. It was also great to see you engaging with like minds in a range of other areas on each day.