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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Hot Writing

Here is my moment in time writing. Moment in time writing is when you choose one short snapshot of time in your life.
This is about me going on a carnival ride.
I had to write an interesting story with all my feelings and emotions.

CLICK! The safety barrier went.
No turning back now.
Suddenly we slowly start moving forward....
Up! Up! Up!
My stomach lurches.
Faster! Faster!
It's now so fast I can't bear it!
I can feel the blood rushing to my head.
I feel sick.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Can you lie to yourself?

At P4C we got asked a question "can you lie to yourself?" I think you can't lie to yourself because if you lie to someone you intend to trick them into believing what you said was true. So if you lie to yourself you would know that it's not true, so I think you can't lie to yourself.
If you don't agree with me please leave a comment.