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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Interview with Mayor Tim Shadbolt

This morning at 9:15 Claudia, Kate and I walked over to the Invercargill City Council with Alana. We went there to interview Tim Shadbolt(mayor of Invercargill). Here are a few questions we asked him:

1. Q. Tell us 3 words to describe Southland.
A. Innovative, honest and hardworking.

2. Q. Whats your favourite icon in Southland?
A. My favourite icon is Dan Lavin, Latin Scholar, War hero, Publisher and Writer at Oxford University.

3. Q. If there was one thing you could change about Southland what would it be and why?
A. An International Airport. If we could fly to Perth direct we would be part of a loop rather than the end of a no exit highway.

Thank you for reading this blog post.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Phoenix, you get to do cool stuff like interview our mayor! His office is on the 1st floor of our building. You could at least have come up to see Mum on the 3rd floor! Oh well, next time ... Keep up the good work and I can't wait to your doco once you start filming.
    Mum xx
